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A member registered Oct 14, 2021

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(3 edits)

Minor spoilers

Since Caijoru can be in someone's dream and control Ted at the same time, that probably means Jeffrey getting scratched in the reject route wasn't caused by the dream, he just got scratched by Ted.

False positives happen more often than not when using virustotal, so you shouldn't be worried. I even checked the files myself,  the files for the game engine are identical to other visual novels. The game engine used isn't malware either, it's an open source project that's been around for 18 years.

I'm using the current PC build on linux, and it's using software rendering which is causing poor performance and occasional graphical glitches.

It's still more than playable so this shouldn't be considered a high priority issue, I just wanted to make sure this is documented.

Would be a neat easter egg to have in the release but I wouldn't miss it much if it was removed.

are there any interactions that only happen when you input the correct password on day 3?

I hope this isn't too vague to answer, I don't know how well known the password is and I don't wanna spoil what it does.